Thursday, 19 August 2010

Is professional SEO really worth the money?

There are so many resources that teach you how to do your own SEO it's worth asking the question - is professional SEO worth the money?

For example, this SEO training is specifically designed to help non-technical people do their own search engine optimisation (it's superb).

So why pay hundreds - maybe thousands - to a SEO professional when you can do it yourself for free? As always, the answer comes down to your particular circumstances...
  • Do you have time to do your own SEO?
    Getting to the top of Google may require months of tedious effort on your part. Is this really the best way to invest your time?
  • What is your time worth to your business?
    If you're paid well you're almost certainly better off paying a professional to do SEO for you.
  • How quickly do you want to get to the top of Google?
    A professional can almost certainly get you to the top of Google faster than you. For a start, a pro doesn't have to learn how to do SEO.
  • Can your business stand the 2-3 months it will take to undo a mistake?
    If you make a mistake that results in Google punishing your site, it can take several months of misery while you attempt to undo it. A professional won't make these types of mistake.
  • Is being at the top of Google likely to be a profitable investment for your business?
    There's more than one way to get traffic to your site, and sometimes SEO isn't the best way to do it. A professional will tell you if there's a better approach.
  • Are there problems with your site that hold it back in Google?
    Many web designers have incorrect ideas about what makes a site 'SEO friendly'. Sometimes they do more harm than good, and create problems that must be fixed before a site will rank well in Google.
These last 2 points are especially important. It entirely possible that getting to the top of Google won't help you achieve your business objectives. If so, an experienced pro will tell you and recommend more viable alternatives.

This could save you months of effort, and direct your energies toward more profitable activity.

This alone could be worth thousands (i.e. far more than the cost of an initial SEO report). Not to mention the opportunity cost to your business.

As your SEO experience improves over time, so will your ability to spot the sort of problems that stop a site from ranking well in search engines. The thing is, a professional can tell you within minutes if there's an existing problem. And either fix it immediately, or explain how to get it fixed.

All it takes is a professional SEO report. I'm not talking about a free automated report you find on a website. I mean a report prepared manually by an experienced professional that looks in-depth at your site, likely keywords, internal links, external links, the strength of your competition in Google and all the other factors that go into a SEO strategy.

This report will save your business a lot of time, money and lost opportunity. Isn't it the logical next step for your business?
Click here now...


lead generation said...

I was very exited to know about Is professional SEO really worth the money?your great post satisfied me. Thank's for sharing this information. said...

I agree with this that professional SEO really worth the Money.

database lady said...

I think you pay for what you get. Of course with professional SEO you have dedicated trained staff doing it as a full time job compared to DIY which is you doing it when you have the time.

ellipsis dive said...

Professional SEO is worth every penny, because it can make any company to discover its potential.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot..
SEO is a very important for all those who wants a good visibility in the digital space..thanks for this information..
Lead Management Company in India Collage with the service message “Services for Profitable Growth” is a Pure Play Execution focused;Sales and Marketing Process Outsourcing organization, popularly categorized as a SMO organization.

Mike John said...

It's really interesting post and i agree with that. The professional seo really worth for the work which have done. The information given by you is useful to every people who work with seo.